Breaking Through Barriers with Chucky
Meet Chucky. A young person who wears high visibility clothing with pride. She never would have guessed that working in the skilled trades was even an option. When Chucky’s family moved to the Twin Cities from Chicago, she felt stuck. A Tree Trust program opened doors for Chucky and this experience changed her life. Chucky learned how to operate construction equipment and garnered a new appreciation for math, now a valuable tool used in real world scenarios and not just numbers in a textbook. Her perspective shifted as her skills grew, and she demolished the walls standing in the way of her forward momentum.
Joining the Tree Trust Community
Chucky felt the spirit of community at Tree Trust and learned how to be a contributing member. She was encouraged by her trainers to push herself to set and achieve personal goals and break through the barriers holding her back. At Tree Trust, Chucky earned high school credits and found new motivation to graduate. Most importantly, Chucky found purpose, stating:
“Everyone is a whole community together. Everybody is there for each other. They teach you that no matter what the obstacles are, you are never too big or too small for the task.”
The interconnectedness of community and environment came to life for Chucky in her tree care training. She experienced doing work with meaning, gaining important experience in the family-supporting green and skilled trades industries. Chucky is excited to have several career pathways to explore after high school.
Support Youth like Chucky
There is no better time than the present to act, as emerald ash borer continues to damage our tree canopy. We need more trees to create a vibrant and resilient urban forest. And youth deserve the opportunity to learn in innovative, hands-on environments.
Did you know that it takes $175 to equip a young person with the gear they need to begin job training at Tree Trust? Or that it costs $250 to plant a tree? Your gift of any amount will go right to work transforming lives and landscapes. The first gifts received will be DOUBLED by generous anonymous donors who have pledged to match up to$5,000!