Tree Trust YouthBuild

Transform Your Life and Community!

Develop valuable career and leadership skills while helping your community through home construction and tree care. 
Tree Trust YouthBuild, a pre-apprenticeship program, offers the unique opportunity to gain hands-on training and
earn a paycheck, all while working towards earning your high school diploma. Young people, ages 16-21,
alternate between an employment training week at Tree Trust and attending high school.

Who Can Participate?

Young people, between the ages of 16-21, eligible to work in the United States. One of the following must also apply:

  • You are a member of a low-income household
  • You are a person with a disability
  • You are a person in foster care or aging out of foster care
  • You have an incarcerated parent
  • You have been involved in the justice system
  • You are a migrant youth

Young people must commit to completing their high school diploma by enrolling in a Tree Trust partner school.

The application has two parts.
After filling out the first part of the application,
watch your email for next steps.

Pursue Your Goals with a Supportive Team

Skilled Trades Careers

Build Your Future

Discover skilled trade
careers with sustainable
wages and an urgent
need for workers.

Learn two in-demand trades:
carpentry and tree care.

Career Training

Earn While You Learn

Bring home a paycheck while
training for a career and
attending high school.
Earn money through good
attendance at both school
and Tree Trust while
working toward your goals.

Home Builders Institute

Learn Hands-On

Grow skills by doing projects versus sitting in a classroom. Gain industry-recognized certificates from the Home Builders Institute and Tree Care Industry. These certificates give you a leg up over other applicants when applying for future jobs.

Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

Take pride in developing
leadership skills while
completing projects that
help others. Improve the
community environment by
building affordable houses
for families, as well as
planting and caring for young
trees in parks and trails.

Youth Mentoring

Gain Long-Term Support

Belong to a successful team with youth making positive change. Benefit from Tree Trust staff support in pursuing your goals which included 1:1 mentoring, assistance with school applications and financial aid, and building your resume for the future. Tree Trust will also pay for all your fees towards obtaining a driver’s license.

Next Steps

Employment Apply Online


Fill out the application.

Employment Interview

Meet & Greet

Talk about the opportunity with Tree Trust staff.

Proof of Identification for Employment


Follow the directions from Tree Trust staff to provide your identification.
Try Out Your New Job

Try Out

Discover if the program fits your style. Show teamwork, positive attitude, and motivation for program acceptance.
Hired for New Employment


Complete the orientation, and congrats! Tree Trust is committed to support your long-term success!

The application has two parts. After filling out the first part of the application, watch your email for next steps.