From Ground to Canopy: Empowering Young Adults Through Tree Care Training
Fueled by a fervor for environmental stewardship, Tree Trust Branches graduate Melanie began her green career in the field of urban agriculture. Seeking service-based work that aligned with her personal values, she eagerly joined the Branches program after a peer recommendation. Melanie was excited to level up her skill set, and tree work felt like a natural progression along her green career journey. Branches offered Melanie the opportunity to align passion with vocation. “I have always loved trees and saw this [Branches] as a great way to learn new skills and see where it takes me! Many of the aspects of tree work are parallel to farming. Working outside and positively contributing to the environment … are values I see in both. I see tree work [as an opportunity] to enter a different industry while still doing values-based work.” Her excitement to learn and joyful spirit garnered her the nickname “The Giggler.” Melanie inspired her peers to find the beauty of working outside in all kinds of Minnesota weather, and through the Branches programs she gained the confidence to try new things for the first time.
Climbing to New Heights
Melanie joined Branches new to the tools of tree care. She had never climbed a tree before, let alone fired up a chainsaw. In the program, she learned how to properly use tools in the workshop and gained confidence wielding them in the field. Felling her first tree was a big achievement for Melanie and soon after that she challenged herself to climb high up in the canopy with support from her trainers. Melanie thanks Tree Trust for the chance to try new things, stating, “I am so grateful for my training at Tree Trust! I feel like I had a leg up [going into the workforce] with having experience with big things like using chainsaws and skid steers, tree identification and pruning techniques, but also with ‘basics’ like knowing how to attach trailers, industry lingo, understanding utility markings, and even a single day of introduction to climbing.” Melanie had discovered a new career that would take her high up into the Twin Cities treescape.
A Promising New Career – Employer Partnerships
Melanie’s experience in Branches launched her career in arboriculture. She states, “The program opened me up to a career I didn’t even know existed. It empowered me to try new things and enter a career that, especially as a Black woman, felt daunting.” Melanie is currently working full time at Tree Trust employer partner Davey Tree Expert company and training to become a climbing arborist. Tree Trust partners with numerous green industry and skilled trade employers. These important relationships offer participants the opportunity to network with potential employers and learn vital interview skills through mock job interviews.
The joy of Tree Trust’s Branches program is in the exploration. Young people safely venture out of their comfort zones and steward the environment, all while building important green career skills. After participants complete programming, Tree Trust helps young people find green industry jobs. Stay tuned to learn more about Melanie’s journey into the world of tree care!
Tree Trust transforms lives and landscapes thanks to the support of our generous donors. You can equip youth like Melanie to climb new heights by donating to our Year-End Campaign. The first gifts received, up to $6,000, will be DOUBLED by a group of generous anonymous donors! Donate today!