As a non-profit, our mission is to transform lives and landscapes by engaging people to build skills for meaningful careers, inspiring people to plant trees, and making our community a greener, healthier place to live.

Ways you can participate:



Tree Planting


Tree Trust has three core focus areas that guide our work every day
and inform how we best serve our community:

Tree Trust Pathways to Careers

Pathway to Careers

We equip people to achieve
family-supporting, skilled trade,
green careers to create economic
opportunity and equity.

Tree Trust Tree Planting

Planting Trees

We are committed to
planting trees to grow
a vibrant and resilient
urban forest.

Tree Trust Parnerships


Our model of work is collaborative –
with each other, with our
community partners, and
with the people we serve.

“Tree Trust has helped me be more independent.
Also, they helped give me the opportunity to
take care of the environment and my community.”

– Tree Trust YouthBuild Student

A Proud Partner of:

Charities Review Council Meets Standards
Seal of Transparency for Non-Profits

Join us in transforming lives and landscapes.
Learn more today!