Tree Sales
See where our 2024 tree sale trees are planted!
Benefits of planting trees:
Trees filter our water.
Trees clean our air.
Trees provide shade and cool our communities.
Trees create community pride.
Trees encourage physical activity.
Trees have shown the ability to reduce stress.
Participants’ Frequently Asked Questions
It’s the law to call Gopher State One Call at least three days before digging at 651-454-0002. They will mark buried utility lines for your safety.
You must plant your tree on your own private property – not on the boulevard (area between sidewalk and street).
These trees have lived most of their lives in containers, so a few more days won’t be an issue. But, the sooner you plant the tree, the better.
Any leftover trees that aren’t purchased or picked up at the end of the distribution are planted in parks and on boulevards for everyone to enjoy.
Yes – check out this flyer or watch the video below. Also, a brochure detailing proper planting methods will be available when you pick up your tree. Please read through it prior to planting your tree.
As we are learning from emerald ash borer, diversity is key! Maples are often the most planted tree in communities across Minnesota. We hope through programs like this one, to increase the diversity of our community trees-lessening the impact of future pests and disease!
There will be no refunds for trees that are not picked up or do not survive after being removed from the pick-up location.
Tree Trust is happy to work with other cities, but we need you to help us! Contact your city officials and let them know you would love an opportunity to increase your city’s canopy by implementing a tree distribution in your area. For additional information, please contact our Community Forestry team at [email protected].