Summer Youth Employment Program
Rooted in our vision of a thriving workforce living on a healthy planet, Tree Trust’s Career Pathways programs have a steadfast commitment to serving youth. In 1977 we sowed the seeds of our first transformative program, welcoming promising young people into the workforce. In collaboration with Hennepin County, backed by the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), we formed our first summer program. As we approach our half-century milestone, we celebrate the flourishing legacy of providing paid training to young people. Tree Trust’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) — our longest running program cultivated from the roots of CETA — is a vital aspect of our mission to transform lives and landscapes. SYEP provides the support and structure for young people to mature into integral parts of a thriving workforce. For many participants, SYEP is their first paid job. At the heart of this program are the young people working hard every shift to earn a wage and learn important skilled trade and green career job skills. Let’s explore how SYEP transforms lives, landscapes, and communities, step by step.
The Staircase to Personal Growth
One of Tree Trust’s signature summer projects is building timber staircases. Collaborating with community partners, our work transforms communities across the Twin Cities metro area. From Westwood Hills Nature Center to Swede Hollow Park, the wooden staircases built by Tree Trust’s summer program participants serve as visible testaments to their profound impact on local communities. A staircase also provides a great metaphor for skill building. Participants begin their projects by learning to identify and use tools safely. This foundation of knowledge and experience grows with each step. Moving forward, youth learn the importance of leveling, measuring, and problem solving. As summer ends and projects reach completion, the staircase remains, a symbol of hard work, skills learned, and personal achievement. One participant excitedly stated how she took her knowledge home and built a staircase with her dad. An SYEP parent shared, “My son was very proud of himself for completing the staircase. He has taken photos and sent them to family who do not live near so they could see what he was a part of.”
Transforming Lives
SYEP fosters individual growth. While the scope of each summer project varies, the focus behind each unique job site remains on participants. Teaching youth how to work involves more than just learning how to use tools. Each young person is mentored and supported by their crew leaders, employment coaches, and peers. Youth practice conflict resolution, how to give and receive feedback, and how to work in a team. Not surprisingly one of the most cherished memories of working on a summer crew, in the eyes of many participants, centers on relationships built with peers. One participant explained, “I gained discipline and learned how to strategize as a team. Working with Tree Trust has been the best experience I ever had.” The SYEP work model of eight youth per crew guided by Tree Trust staff provides a safe space for young people to confidently try new things. Parents celebrate these rewarding outcomes. One parent claimed, “I saw a child who was EXCITED, more confident, felt some pride in himself and what he was doing, was making more friends, having fun, started taking more responsibility, and who for the first time EVER, didn’t need to be dragged out of bed!! I saw my child start turning into an individual, excited to teach EVERYONE EVERYTHING he was learning and building on the skills he already had.”
Tree Trust is grateful to our amazing summer staff who work each June through August leading crews of youth workers. As we open our doors to young people looking for opportunities to grow, we also welcome Crew Leaders, Employment Coaches, and Field Coordinators to join our team. If you are looking for meaningful work transforming lives and landscapes, please consider applying today!