Greening Saint Paul

Greening Saint Paul

Every October, Saint Paul schools grant their students a long weekend as their teachers attend a continuing education conference. The Minnesota Education Association (MEA) conference is a celebrated four-day weekend for students. This year, 25 young individuals from Community of Peace Academy, Highland Park Senior High School, and Johnson Senior High School earned a paycheck on MEA break by planting trees in their community, gaining hands-on experience in environmental stewardship. Students were excited to use their time off to give back to their community and plant a green legacy of trees that will grow as they do. In just two days, students led by Tree Trust staff planted 206 trees in Saint Paul’s Payne-Phalen and Capitol Hill neighborhoods.  

Planting Day One: Event Kick-Off

Dreary fall weather didn’t dampen the spirits of the young people gathering at East Side Saint Paul’s Margaret Park. Students excitedly enjoyed morning refreshments and comradery as they prepared to grow a green legacy in their community. Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Director Andy Rodriguez, Ward 7 Saint Paul City Councilmember Jane Prince, and Right Track Program Manager Xue Xiong, along with Tree Trust CEO and Executive Director Jared Smith, celebrated the commitment of these young people with inspiring speeches. Councilmember Prince spoke of the legacy of trees, stating, “For the rest of your life, you will be able to drive by Margaret Park and see what you have done today. These trees are going to last for decades and that will be one of your first legacies as you add to our urban forest.” Empowered by the enthusiastic backing of Saint Paul leaders, students eagerly delved into learning the art and science of planting trees the Tree Trust way. Guided by experts from our Career Pathways, Community Forestry, and Landscape Services teams, the youth happily planted trees in the light rain, transforming once-empty city boulevards into vibrant green oases, a powerful display of their commitment to environmental stewardship.

Planting Day Two: Confident Urban Foresters

Planting day two dawned with warmth, sunshine, and confidence. In teams, young people prepped root balls, dug holes, planted, and mulched a diverse variety of trees. Tree Trust staff worked hand in hand with students to ensure that each tree was planted with skilled precision. Gus, a student who grew up in Saint Paul, was happy to make his community greener. “I have this really cool opportunity to plant trees in an area where I hang out with my friends, and I’m really excited about it.” These intrepid young people gained valuable hands-on experience, tree by tree, that will be beneficial in any future career path they choose. Tree planting fosters many skills including environmental awareness, teamwork, problem-solving, physical stamina, leadership, ecological knowledge, and valuable networking connections, while also providing personal satisfaction in contributing to a sustainable future.

Transforming Lives and Landscapes

As these students move forward in their high school careers, the 206 trees they planted will leave a positive legacy for Saint Paul. As Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Director Rodriguez stated at the event kick-off, “What you all are doing is a big deal. Getting trees in the ground is very important to this community. You are building a healthy urban tree canopy and building a healthy Saint Paul. Take pride in that work. We are super excited to have you out here.” This event is a great example of Tree Trust living out our mission to transform lives and landscapes while realizing our vision of a thriving workforce living on a healthy planet. Please visit for more information on our Career Pathways and Community Forestry programs.